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Author Topic: red flag?  (Read 6853 times)

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Offline papi

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Re: red flag?
« Reply #25 on: February 25, 2007, 02:44:35 PM »
i agree it does not make them low class. I just don't like when they ask for this stuff. In my opinion, it is not the right thing to do. My girl in colombia is broke. I never met her and sending her a few pesos today so she can go to the internet. I have some trust in her case but this is a first for me sending a few bucks to somebody i never met. Yet, she didn't ask for the money, but i know she does not have it.
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Offline P Daddy

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Re: red flag?
« Reply #26 on: February 25, 2007, 06:36:53 PM »
Papi, I think you need to ease up regarding the money issue.  Soltero is absolutely correct. Plus, these girls HATE tacaños (cheap-skates)...I don't think you are going to gain any ground with the Peruana by NOT showing up with mascara pen...more than likely you'll lose points.

Guys get way too paranoid about getting played by these women...Women LOVE gifts and love to be spoiled and pampered...that is, ALL women. Unfortunately it's our lot in life to spend money on women...Those who try to avoid this will end up alone...

Of course, we could all be lucky like Kiltboy and find a latina who is willing to support us... ;)  No wonder he decided to marry her after just one trip...I was ready to go on cypercupido and look for her if he had happened to drop the ball & let her get away ;D

Offline papi

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Re: red flag?
« Reply #27 on: February 25, 2007, 06:49:11 PM »
when i better looking back in my 20's and dated a ton of gringas, never once did they expect me to bring them gifts on the first date or before we met. I wined and dined them and spent plenty of cash on them but must disagree with you on giving money and the very least until a relationship is established.
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Re: red flag?
« Reply #27 on: February 25, 2007, 06:49:11 PM »

Offline el_ruso

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Re: red flag?
« Reply #28 on: February 25, 2007, 06:52:00 PM »

the issue is not whether they ask you for something, but how they ask you for it.  My guess is you are not good at reading women, and, if so, that is your biggest problem.  The mascara pen is cheap, and asking for it is no big deal, except that you are dealing with a girl who can NOT buy a mascara pen, most likely because she can't afford it.  Keep that in mind.

The "camera girl" was doing something very different.  She simply gave you a hint that she can be "friendly" with you if you brought her a camera, and she actually fulfilled her end of the bargain.  I can judge her intentions simply by what you have shared here, and also because camera is 1)not a necessary item and 2)is not needed for any college course.

Offline papi

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Re: red flag?
« Reply #29 on: February 25, 2007, 07:00:49 PM »
The "camera girl" was doing something very different.  She simply gave you a hint that she can be "friendly" with you if you brought her a camera, and she actually fulfilled her end of the bargain.

not true, that was not really part of the conversation

I can judge her intentions simply by what you have shared here, and also because camera is 1)not a necessary item and 2)is not needed for any college course.

i tend to agree with you on this. She is still in contact with me but it would be really hard for me to trust her. I have some feelings for her but I think it is best that I just move on in her case. She really dropped the ball with me when i was visiting her and has given me a bunch of lame excuses on why she did so.
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Offline Cachaco

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Re: red flag?
« Reply #30 on: February 25, 2007, 11:02:51 PM »
if you really like this peruana girl don't drop her over something so insignificant.  She's not asking for a gift, she offered to pay for it, right? A woman asking you to bring her some small thing she cannot get in her country is no big deal and I think is fairly common. At least it's happened to me..
But if you do get it for her, I wouldn't take her money; that will make you look very tacaño  :)

Offline papi

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Re: red flag?
« Reply #31 on: February 26, 2007, 04:12:42 AM »
well, i agree it is insignificant although i'd propably have to order it off the web and pay shipping but no big deal. The money is not the issue. Again this would not be the norm in dating a local girl so why should us gringos just brush it off?  Maybe not a red flag but at the very least shows something about her character. Anyway, I am leaning more towards colombia only cause i think she is way more into me and would make a better wife. The young peru hottie is fun, but not sure she is ready for something serious although she says she is. After time, you can sort of read these girls. Yet, everything is still up in the air. The good thing is that I developed a great way to meet women on the internet.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2007, 04:27:41 AM by papi »
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Offline P Daddy

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Re: red flag?
« Reply #32 on: February 26, 2007, 05:27:39 AM »
when i better looking back in my 20's and dated a ton of gringas, never once did they expect me to bring them gifts on the first date or before we met. I wined and dined them and spent plenty of cash on them but must disagree with you on giving money and the very least until a relationship is established.

Papi, this is at least the 3rd time you've disagreed with me on this topic...but you keep posting here asking advice about the same topic.
If you're so hell-bound on not giving gifts, why do you continue to ask advice about the topic.  I've never said to shower the girl with gifts and money before the relationship is established, I'm saying buy the girl a $ 5.00 mascara pen that she can't find in Peru...that's all...a "token" of your affection.  Believe me, I don't need to buy women, but I know what women want and need, and if $ 5.00 is going to make me look like a prince in the eyes of a women, I'll gladly spend it, be it gringa or latina...

And don't take this as a put down, because it's not, your age you need to use everything to your advantage and money is one of those things...You're not Brad in place of the good looks and nice body, the women are expecting something to replace these 2 things...I REALLY don't think a 20 something hottie is going to be with a late 40 something POOR MAN, unless he looks like Brad Pitt or George Clooney (or P Daddy ;D)

Example...watching the Oscars last night...Clint Eastwood and his wife...they've been together awhile...he's in his early 70's I think, she is in her late 30's (I think) you think she'd be with him if he was poor??  do you think he spent some cash on her when he initially romanced her??  Of course...Is he happy...YES...Is she??  YES...
Well punk?? (my best Clint Eastwood impersonation)

Offline papi

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Re: red flag?
« Reply #33 on: February 26, 2007, 08:28:29 AM »
LOL!!! Funny, when I looked like Brad back in my 20's ok - maybe Bruce, I was throwing around money on women. I was price shopping a limosine rental vs giving the taxi scam a second thought. Fancy restaurants, drinks, trips.  But a few years ago I took a break...and downsized and now maybe I am mas tocano. That being said, I still don't like the idea of a woman asking me for something no matter how insignificant, unless she reminds me to pickup a box of USA made protection.. ;).  I'd rather give out of my heart and wanting to give. I feel it is not good character to ask for things no matter how small before a relationship is established. But don't worry, I still respect your opinion. You are a vet with plenty of game...
Red Bull may give you wings, but if Flakes could fly - BAQ is in fact an airport


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