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Author Topic: Malaysian women?  (Read 1574 times)

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Malaysian women?
« on: January 20, 2007, 02:54:47 PM »
So I was having lunch at a Malaysian restaurant today and started thinking to myself, "you know...Malaysian food is pretty damn good...and don't a lot of Malays speak English? I wonder..."

Did a search here and in the archives and pretty much nada. Found a couple agencies operating out of Malaysia, but they seemed more focused on marriages between Malays and Singaporeans.

I understand that about 60% of Malays are Muslim, and it is against their religion to marry outside of it, but it seems like there is a large portion of the population which is Buddhist. Also, statistically there seemed to be many well educated women there (I believe more women than men attending college? Was just skimming the figures so I may be wrong). Yearly income is very low (I believe around $5k USD?) so it seems like there would be a decent amount of women willing to relocate.

Just sort of curious why there's so little on the country here.


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